Summer Programs

toddler crawling toddler crawling

The center’s summer program, funded partly by the Children’s Trust, allows for the continuity of the beneficial impacts of the school-year early intervention services throughout the summer. The eight (8) week program incorporates the evidence-based programs; Infant and Toddler HighScope Curriculum and Conscious Discipline.

HighScope supports our youngest learners' need to feel safe and supported so they can learn with their whole bodies and all of their senses. Utilizing the HighScope framework, our teachers and therapists focus on developing supportive, trusting relationships with the children in their care.  Furthermore, they create rich environments that encourage young children to explore and discover the world around them, helping them engage in experiences designed to support their optimal development in all domains.

Conscious Discipline is used in everyday events to cultivate emotional intelligence through a self-regulation program that integrates social-emotional learning and discipline.

Summer camp promises fun, with built-in extracurricular activities offering hands-on experiences.

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